Save Coney Island Legislative Lunch a Success!

Legislative Lunch

Our legislative lunch was attended by representatives of 20 council-members and in some cases by council members themselves — evidence that the City’s flawed plan is an issue of city-wide concern. Our presentation discussed several dimensions of Coney Island amusements. CIUSA founder Dick Zigun spoke about the ruinous impact that the City’s plan would have on Coney Island’s historic amusement district. Carol Albert, co-owner of Astroland, drew from her experience with the iconic, 46 year old amusement park, to discuss the viability of open-air amusements and their economic potential. Dianna Carlin, founder of Lola Saar Souvenir Boutique and Dreamland Roller Rink, discussed the needs of small businesses in Coney Island and argued that the City’s plan threatens their displacement. Finally, Juan Rivero from Save Coney Island summarized the speakers’ recommendations.

– Expand the area zoned for open-air amusements so that it expands from the Boardwalk to the Bowery.
– Remove the high-rise towers from the South Side of Surf Avenue, in the heart of the amusement district.
– Promote independently-owned small businesses and prevent their displacement.

During the last portion of the presentation, Matt Ryan from Jobs with Justice and Carmen Gonzales, a community resident and member of ACORN, discussed the inadequate commitment in the City’s plan to affordable housing and union jobs.

Our guests were very receptive to the arguments we put forward. After the presentation, we entertained questions that allowed us to explain our recommendations in greater detail. We are very grateful to Councilmember Gerson for sponsoring our lunch and for his interest in helping save Coney Island from the City’s proposal.

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