Download our architectural renderings of how a restored Grashorn, Henderson’s, and Bank of Coney Island might look.

Download our Historic Walking Tour brochure with a guide to all of the buildings in Coney Island’s Historic District.

Save Coney Island is working with other Coney Island and preservation groups to preserve and promote Coney Island’s historic district. Save Coney Island believes that Coney Island’s historic buildings should form the centerpiece around which redevelop a new and exciting 21st-century Coney Island, with attractions such as Luna Park.

In August of 2010, the State Historic Preservation Office determined the Coney Island Historic District eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.  Shortly thereafter, however, Thor Equities was issued permits to demolish two buildings within the District.

It is a miracle that any of these buildings survived the fires, land speculation, and urban renewal plans that decimated Coney Island over the years. It would be a shame to lose these rare survivors, just when their rehabilitation could provide a necessary boost to Coney’s revival.

Here’s what you can do to help:
Call AND email Coney Island’s City Council Member Dominic Recchia
(718) 373 – 9673)
[email protected]

…and tell his office:
· Preserving and reusing Coney Island’s historic buildings is essential to its successful redevelopment.
· Coney Island must maintain a visible connection to its incredible past.
· They must stop Thor’s plans to demolish Coney Island’s historic buildings.
· They need to act now, before it’s too late!